Be a Ghost Helper, not a Ghost Hunter! Use The Crossing Over Prayer

I’m Tina Erwin and I believe that there are such things as ghosts! If you believe this too, then this is the site for you. My mission, my purpose is to help the dead to find the light of the divine. Hunting a ghost is simply hurtful. Crossing them over is helpful, kind and compassionate – the absolute compassion that you will eventually want for yourself. Imagine how beautiful it is to think of each soul finding the light of the Heaven World, through the darkness.

Have a ghost who’s driving you crazy? Have a loved one whom you need to crossover to the Heaven World? Let me help you.

What does it mean to cross over? It means that you no longer are existing in the 4th dimension. Death is basic physics: energy is neither created nor destroyed so that which we have been, who we have been, what we believed and how we lived our lives never changes. When we die, the energy that defined our personalities continues. We simply shed our physical body, like a larva that sheds a cocoon and becomes a butterfly, when we die, we shed our human shell, our human cocoon and are free of the confines of a mortal body. What does this mean?

It means that we leave the land of time, space and gravity that defines the 3rd dimension and move into the 4th dimension, a land of no time, no space as we think of it and no gravity. Here, here in the 4th dimension we can travel at the speed of thought. But this location is usually dark, unknown and confusing. This is especially true for children who have no idea what to do at death. But you can help them, by using The Crossing Over Prayer™ that I created in 2012.

The Crossing Over Prayer

You don’t need to be a medium to help the dead just use The Crossing Over Prayer © below. Read it at least 3 times or listen to Tina Erwin saying it here:

This is The Crossing Over Prayer

written by Tina Erwin

Order Crossing Over Prayer Cards Here

Did you ever wonder what happens when you die?

Watch this video and you may find that you can find peace from this explanation.

Learn what happens at death and realize that you can also ask for angels to help your loved one to transition into the Heaven by using The Crossing Over Prayer©

Stay tuned!

This website is ever expanding. Stay tuned as more pages are coming!